Data Degaussing

Data Degaussing

Data Degaussing is one of the most important ways of removing the Data. Degaussing is the preliminary step & verified method of E waste Recycling.

Degaussing is the process of removing the data by reducing or eliminating the unwanted magnetic fields stored on the Electronic media. This process can be performed by the machine called Degausser.

Data Degausser

A Degausser is a machine that changes or repositions the fields (where the data is stored) of magnetic data in the storage devices.

The Degausser can be applied to the various magnetic domains to arrange the data into random patterns, which helps in making the data stored as unreadable. We can ensure that the right usage of the suitable Degausser will make the Data is no longer available.

Advantage of Degaussing

* Ensures that all kinds of sensitive & confidential data has been removed permanently.

* Disposes the data based on the various categories in a safe & secure manner.

* The Quality of the Output form is in the advanced level.

* Cost effectiveness and affordable Operational costs.

* Compliance based Sanitization method.

* Data removal up-to 100%.

HDD Degaussing

Hard disk Degaussing is the process of removing all the static that is attached to the magnetic properties of a hard disk. This helps in making the data in the hard disk free from any kind of errors.

Hard disk Degaussing ensures the security of data by eliminating all the unwanted magnetic traces that are attached to the drive. This will help in storing and protecting your data in a safe manner and without any form of errors. No known technique can easily recover lost data from a degaussed hard disk.

HDD Degaussing Process

The technician must measure the drive to find out the right area of the drive that is going to undergo the degaussing procedure.

As a result of the measuring the area of a hard drive, the technician will remove a small amount of the soft metal that is attached to the magnetic field of the hard drive. This soft metal is referred to as a magnet. Once the soft metal is removed the hard drive can then be cleaned by the technicians with the cleaning solution.

After the hard disk has been degaussed, it can be safely placed back to the workstation where it can be restored to its original state. And once the process is complete, the same process of degaussing can be repeated.

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